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Are you new to the area? Get hooked up!!
Utility Information

Water, Sewer, Garbage and Refuse:

The Town provides water, sewer and garbage service to customers throughout  The Town of Chesterfield and some located outside the town limits.   Refuse (yard debris pickup) is available for in town customers. For information call 843-623-2131 ext. 0.  All utilities (water, sewer & garbage) are billed on one monthly bill.


Service Connection
A $200 deposit/service fee is required of all rental property (including rent to own) for establishing service.  A $100 deposit/service fee is required if you own the property.  Proof may be required that you are the owner.  Connection of service is not normally offered after hours.  Connection after hours may cost an additional $200.  Water, Sewer and Garbage Service Application  Fax to 843-623-2132 or email to or in person at 112 Main Street


Water & Sewer Taps
For a new water or sewer tap to our service line, please contact Town Hall at 843-623-2131 or Town Administrator 843-623-9099.  Applications for water taps are not accepted at Chesterfield County Rural Water Company (CCRWC) for those tapping onto the town’s water and sewer supply. Chesterfield County Rural Water Company taps for supply in the county.


Any customer who wants alerts can go to the website and set up their own alerts if they want monitoring for less than 1,000 gallons per day.  Click here for information on how to setup your aquahawk account.  You can visit our aquahawk website by clicking here. By visiting the website you may set alerts that will come directly to you by phone, text or email.  If you believe you have a leak, please call 843-623-9104 and have the staff review your usage.


Payments are due by the 10th of each month. A 10% penalty is added after the 15th of each month, after the 19th a $30 disconnection fee is added and utility service will be disconnect.  NO reminders are sent.  The Town disconnects each month.  (Bills are normally mailed around the 25th of the previous month.)

There are many ways to pay:

  • In person at Town Hall, 112 Main Street  & Chesterfield County Rural Water office on 13598 Highway 9.

  • Bank DraftSee staff at Town Hall, 112 Main Street, Chesterfield.

  • Drop boxes at Town Hall in front and rear of building.

  • Telephone by calling 1-843-253-0809.   Please have your account number ready. (No additional charge.)

  • Online at our WEB Payment Portal                                                                     Please place a dash in your account number (example 123456-78).  For assistance, please email

Duke Energy
Duke Energy and Progress Energy merged to create the new Duke Energy
Outage Reporting 800-419-6356


Lynches River Electric Co-op
707 South Arant St., Pageland, SC 29728
Toll-free 800-922-3486
Office (843) 672-6111
Outage Reporting 843-675-LREC (5732) or 866-675-LREC (5732)


Sandhill Telephone Co-op
107 N. Page St., Chesterfield, SC 29709
(843) 623-5924
Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.


Main Office: 122 S. Main Street, Jefferson, SC 29718
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 519, Jefferson, SC 29718
(843) 658-3434

Fax: (843) 658-7700


Trash is serviced by the Town of Chesterfield on Fridays.  Carts must be at the curb by Thursday evening with handles and wheels facing the residence or business.   (Delays)


The County also provides the Chesterfield Convenience center for other waste disposal and is located at 16 Price Circle (off of Goodale Rd.), Chesterfield, SC  (843) 623-9812 open on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 8 a.m – 6 p.m..



Yard debris is picked up on Mondays.  All debris must be at the curb by 7 a.m. on Monday for pickup.  Only the residences that have notified the Public Properties Department will be serviced.  You can notify the department by calling 843-623-2139 and leaving your address on the answering service.  The Town will not pickup debris left by a contractor/lawn care or tree service.  All leaves must be containerized on trash bags or burlap sheets.  All limbs must be in three foot sections or less and under fifty pounds.  The town will only service the equalivant to a ninety gallon roll cart per week.  DO NOT BLOW YOUR GRASS CLIPPINGS OR LEAVES INTO THE CURB OR STREET.


Contact the Town Of Chesterfield


Town Hall

112 Main Street

Chesterfield, SC 29709



(843) 623-2131


Fax: (843) 623-2132


Yard Debris pickup

(843) 623-2139

(Leave street address on

answering service)

For Great Dining




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